RBTF All-breed Obedience, Oct-Nov-Dec 2023

Lodi, CA at the Dream Big Training Center
Entries limited to 25 runs, entry by random draw.
Open to all breeds, tervs have priority, three spots for workers.

+ All entries received between opening date and draw date will be put into a hat.
+ Terv entries will be drawn first.
+ Three worker spots will be filled from workers selected by the trial committee in advance.
+ All other entries will be drawn next until the entry limit is reached.
+ A wait list will be maintained, however we may only in-fill from the wait list if there are withdrawals before the closing date.

Click HERE for the Oct 25 2023 premium (opens Sep 27, draw is Oct 5, closes Oct 18)
Click HERE for MARKED Oct Catalog

Click HERE for the Nov 15 2023 premium (opens Oct 18, draw is Oct 26, closes Nov 8)
Click HERE for MARKED Nov Catalog

Click HERE for the Dec 13 2023 premium (opens Nov 8, draw is Nov 16, closes Dec 6)
Click HERE for MARKED Dec Catalog

Your entry and your payment must be sent via check/snailmail – online/paypal/email entries not accepted.

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